Support the Lode/Quy track

Lode and other local parish councils have been working hard to secure a cycle track between Lode and Quy. This stretch of road is fast, dangerous for cyclists, rarely cycled by families and only braved by a few hardy commuters. Anglesey in Stitches supports the campaign for this cycle track and are delighted that funding is in place, panning permission obtained and work is about to begin – the track is scheduled for completion in late 2017.

In Spring 2014 we yarnstormed Anglesey Abbey to draw attention to the campaign (see our yarnstorming page) and in Summer 2015 we yarn-stormed the entrance to the Abbey (on a smaller scale) to celebrate the award of the grant. Look out for further decoration when the track is opened…

The track will connect the village of Quy to Anglesey Abbey and to the villages of Lode and Swaffham Bulbeck, and vice versa, making it easier for families to explore new playgrounds, visit the Abbey, go to toddler groups and more. It will make commuting from our villages to Cambridge quick, easy, and doable in all weathers. The path will also complete the cycle route from Cambridge to Wicken Fen via Anglesey Abbey, by linking up with the Lodes Way.

To donate to the Lode/Quy cycle path appeal, go to the Sustrans website ( and click on the blue “donate” sign at the top right of the screen and then click on “make a single donation”. You then have to go through all the palaver of filling in name, address, etc. and then right at the bottom it says “additional details, please tell us what prompted your donation”. In the drop-down list select “Lode/Quy cycle path” and then make your donation. This fund helped show the local support for the path and will be used for the added extras for the path such as lighting.

2 thoughts on “Support the Lode/Quy track

  1. Fran, this is just brilliant!
    I’ve made a donation (call it recycling my Sustrans salary) and will continue to do all I can to help, both as Sustrans manager and as an individual walker and cyclist… Rohan

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